Customer Service

Customer care is about more than just delivering high quality products. Your Wellsept teams take pride in the high standards offered on customer care, processes that are part of the internal continuous improvement philosophy:

A dedicated staff, listening carefully to your needs, respecting deep ethics, are core to all partnerships.

In normal times, you may receive an instant written answer by email to your requirement or the maximum within the 3 hours after.

Concerning quotations, the latest, within 24 hours.

Domestic shipping, if all goods in stock, within 24 hours after of your order and payment confirmed.

European shipping is guaranteed in maximum of 48 hours. Customs issues are out of Wellsept responsibility.

The Wellsept team is composed by high experts in health science and biocides as hands disinfectants, surfaces cleaners and airborne disinfection and sterilization. The company has stringent controls on product quality. A creative team is at your disposal to develop your solutions for hands and surfaces disinfection, including design of specific dispensers or disinfection stations.

In addition to hygiene products, Wellsept Institute also advises on working practices for managing COVID-19 risk. The Wellsept academy offers education to your staff on COVID-19, including on minimizing their personal risk and appropriate workplace behavior. This is important to reassure your staff that you take infection control seriously and to get your business running efficiently.